Saturday, June 6, 2009

The refrigerator hums, the clock ticks;
These sounds march on undisturbed while the coffee drips.
My mind races and plots, though its only morning.
Why must I resist this present moment?

My coffee is cold and I hear sounds of children playing outside;
In reality, the day is still open and wide.
But, my lists are made and my thoughts continue;
Where does time go, I wonder... And the clock ticks on undisturbed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Light wins in a contest with darkness.  I take this as a sort of truth from scripture.  In this picture, light defines the darkness and causes it to reveal beauty.  Today, there are dark places in me and in this world that I cannot fathom will be made beautiful by "Light".  And, if light is a reference to Jesus, I wonder more plainly... why does Jesus refuse to shine in certain places?